Sunday, February 22, 2009

hAppi biRthdAy t0 my JIE~

Happi Birthday t0 YOU.. Happy birthday to U.. Hapii Birthday to JIE JIE.. Hapyi Birthday to YOU~
Thursday.. my Jie b'dAy..
we go Sing K.. yeahh~~
dinner buffet.. yeahh.. YUMMY~and my gorgor damn sui, those song that cant die ppl de hor.. he don choose de lo..
and see my yee low.. sing with feel~
my jie invited her fren-"gam san"
hahaha~ he singing damn "good"..
greater than Malaysia Idol~~
but he quite good also la.. ordered a cake for my jie..
but at last, jie gave me the cake.. so i brought to school for my breakfast..
wahahaha... sorry luu... hohoho~
Then the next day, after school...
me and christina(sopo) follow my jie and my yee low to IOI..
we went for bowling, except for the sopo..
play until my finger so pain.. KNS~
first game lose until so cham.. only 60..
second game.. nyek nyek.. 110 le...

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