Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Pi

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to a pi
Happy Birthday to you
wish you health, thats the only and the most important thing for you.

Monday, April 18, 2011


finally! i've done my 3 days job in PC fair. oh god, know how tired am i? but i still enjoy working with lots of pretty babes! funny jokes with our 'jimui', haha!
thanks dearie for coming over to have lunch with me and, the high-heels :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1 day in Malacca

opps, here we are in Malacca, again!
no purpose, dearie want his off day to be different, and we are here.
met shirley for supper, satay celup. yum yum =D
found a hotel, and, we sleep.
after check out hotel, makan-makan & jalan-jalan
chicken ball rice, layer cake, bla bla bla
thanks for all this, i love the trip

Sunday, April 3, 2011


it seems like more serious than my previous 1.
even myself take it very serious.
i think alot, consider alot.
i really care about it, i mean it.
no matter what they say, even if they against us
i just want to tell you, i am not giving you up.
thats all i can say, thats all i can do.